Emergency Dentistry

Have you suffered a dental injury? Need emergency dentist in Kennesaw? There are times when unexpected mouth injuries occur, resulting in the need for emergency dental care in 30144. Teeth become chipped or fractured from biting something hard, by trauma or teeth grinding. At other times a dental restoration gets damages or falls out. If you experience any of these problems or an oral health condition that involves severe pain, contact our Kennesaw emergency dentist immediately. Most painful injuries to the mouth require emergency dental care to avoid a worsening situation. Contact us today for emergency dental care near you.

Emergency Dental Care in Kennesaw

If you experience any of these serious mouth issues, follow the steps below and contact our Kennesaw office for emergency dental care:

  • Broken Tooth: Immediately rinse away any germs or debris with warm. Apply ice to the cheek on the injured side of the mouth to alleviate swelling. If you can, collect any pieces of the broken tooth. Call your Floss 365 emergency dentist immediately.
  • Cracked Tooth: A seriously cracked tooth requires the attention of an emergency dentist. If you feel a sharp pain when you eat, and increased tooth sensitivity, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
  • Avulsed Tooth: Look for the knocked-out tooth and rinse it under water holding it by the top. Never handle it by the root and don’t scrub or remove any attached gum tissue. If possible, place it back in the socket. If you can’t put it back in your mouth, store the tooth in milk until you can see an emergency dentist.
  • Severe Toothache: Rinse the painful area clean with warm water. Floss gently between the affected tooth to remove any lodged debris. Seek emergency dental care if a toothache persists.

Call us at Floss 365 Dental if you experience a mouth trauma. We treat dental emergencies and offer same day appointments or visits within 24 hours.