Tooth sensitivity effects 1 and 8 adults making it common but also easily treatable. To know if you suffer from tooth sensitivity recall a time when you bit into ice cream or drank a hot cup of coffee. Did it turn an enjoyable experience into a painful one? In this article, we will discuss what causes tooth sensitivity, how it can be treated, and why you should talk to your dentist about it.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

To best understand tooth sensitivity, it’s important to discuss the different layers of the tooth. The outer layer or top layer that you see is called the enamel. Under the enamel is dentin which is a soft layer, and under dentin is where the pulp of the tooth is housed. In the pulp of the tooth, you will find nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Tooth sensitivity ultimately occurs when the Dentin is exposed and is caused by a combination of receding gums and enamel erosion.

Enamel Erosion

Your enamel can erode by habitually eating or drinking foods and drinks that are acidic, and when your teeth are not brushed as often as they should be.

Receding Gums

Gums can easily recede due to smoking, hormones, periodontal disease, infection, brushing too hard, or a combination of one or many of these things.

Treating Tooth Sensitivity

To effectively treat tooth sensitivity, it’s important that you speak with your dentist. Tooth sensitivity is pretty easy to self-diagnose. Take note of eating hot or cold foods and if you get shooting pain its best to consult the dental professionals at Floss 365 Dental. Our office in Kennesaw, GA is ready to take any questions or concerns about your dental health that you may have. We’ll work together to formulate solutions that will best help you and your tooth sensitivity circumstances. Don’t hesitate, give us a call or send us an email to schedule your first appointment today.

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