If you have lost several teeth, it’s time for you to replace the missing teeth as it can affect the structure of your face. There are many options such as partial dentures or dental implants and the dentist near Kennesaw, GA may suggest the right option for you. But it’s always better to be well informed about the choices in advance and the benefits of each option.

Here’s a Look:

If you are wondering why it’s important to replace missing teeth you must know that you whole smile suffers because of the missing teeth. Because of tooth loss, the jawbone and gum doesn’t receive stimulation which leads the soft tissues and jawbone to break down. Also, your surrounding teeth begin to shift and within few years you will experience more tooth loss. For preventing the tissue loss, for eating a wider range of foods, and for maintaining optimum oral health, replacing the missing teeth is important.

Dentures & Partials

The full and partial dentures are ideal for replacing more than missing tooth with the help of a single prosthetic. The dentures have a base material which replicates the color of our gums and the base of dentures in made to fit between the remaining healthy teeth. The full dentures are made in such as way that they fit against the gum line and create suction for keeping the denture in place. When the dentures are implant supported, they look more natural and even function like natural teeth.

Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures

There are several benefits of the implant supported dentures as compared to the regular dentures.

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