A root canal treatment repairs and saves a natural tooth that has become infected or decayed. Lack of treatment may make the tissue around the tooth to become infected, and this may lead to the formation of an abscess.

Root canal refers to the natural cavity found at the center of a tooth. When a tooth emerges from the gum, its nerve becomes less important to the tooth’s function and health. When the tooth becomes infected on the inside, an endodontic procedure becomes necessary to save it.

Why Is It Necessary to Remove the Pulp?

The tooth’s pulp or nerve tissue, when damaged, breaks down, and bacteria start to multiply. The damage can be as a result of large fillings, face trauma, or repeated dental procedures.

Decayed debris and bacteria may lead to an abscessed tooth or an infection. An abscess is a pocket full of pus, and it forms on the tooth’s root at the end. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp, then he or she cleans and seals the tooth.

If the root canal gets an infection, it can cause:

How to Tell If You Require a Root Canal

Root canal treatment is necessary if you have a deep cavity, issues relating to a previous filling, or a cracked tooth caused by genetics or an injury.

If you experience the symptoms below, pay your dentist a visit concerning a root canal treatment:

Is A Root Canal Painful?

A local anesthetic may be administered to help ease the pain. After the procedure, you might be a little sore or feel numbness around the area where the procedure was done.

Benefits of A Root Canal

What to Expect After a Root Canal Treatment?

Within the first few days after the treatment, the tooth might feel sensitive because of natural tissue inflammation. You can take some counter pain medicines like ibuprofen or naproxen to help with the discomfort or sensitivity. It is safe for you to resume your normal activities the following day.

Floss 365 Dental is located in Kennesaw, GA, and offers services such as root canal treatment, apical microsurgery, emergency dentistry, and many more. We take an approach towards oral health that is unique and holistic. Our team will take good care of your oral health because it contributes a lot to your overall health.

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